Sunday, 17 June 2012

Safe & Sound

Hi everybody!  I arrived safe and sound in La Paz Bolivia yesterday morning. I almost didn't make my connection in Miami to La Paz  due to the terminal being closed because of a lightning storm.  It was an amazingly beautiful descent or should I say ascent to the airport as I watched the sun rise over the snow capped jagged mountains that surrounded us.  El Alto airport is located 4,100 m (more than 13,000 feet) above sea level.  The beautiful mountains are called the Cordillera Real de los Andes (the mountains that surround La Paz).  From the airport our taxi wound us down, and down, and down, into the city or canyon of La Paz with an elevation of roughly 3,650 m (11,975 ft). 
I, along with Desirae another Cuso volunteer, arrived at our hotel.  It is very nice and we felt a little guilty about it but it's the closest to Cuso's office.  I slept all day on and off and got a nasty headache at night.  Both due to the high altitude and lack of oxygen I think.  We met up with some fellow Cuso volunteers who are living in La Paz.  Some have been living here 4 years and others 2 but unfortunately most are leaving soon.  They were so friendly and welcoming.  Though I must admit my Spanish is not so great in the best of times (I'm always working on it) but when I'm extremely tired and have a headache it's even worse to non existent.  Luckily I understand more than I can speak so I just listened and learned.  Great people here in La Paz, everyone is so friendly and everyone you pass on the street says good (fill in the blank) morning, afternoon, or evening.  I love that!  No weird looks if you smile at someone on the street.  Anyways that's it for now I've just been taking it easy in my hotel as to avoid further altitude sickness.  The weather is great during the day cause of the crazy bright and intense sun but at night it is cold (around 0 degrees Celsius).  Buenos Nachos!  Just kidding it's actually Buenas noches.

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