Sunday, 15 July 2012

My new bed partner is...

a Dengue mosquito! Well I'm not sure if it has Dengue or not and I don't want to find out.  For the last 10 nights (all the nights I've been living here) one single mosquito visits me every night. But somehow stays hidden and silent throughout the day to evade capture. It's bound to get me soon, maybe tonight will be my lucky night.

Spent an amazing day at Ginger's Paradise approx. 1.5 hours away from Samaipata. It is an organic farm and inspiration hostel. It has amazing vegetarian food, the best pesto I have ever had. The owners are also really cool people living sustainably off their land and helping to teach others how to do the same. Over 70% of all things they eat are produced on their property. Check out their website at


  1. Testing, testing, 123. Am I the only one that can comment? Or do I need to make my blogs more interesting?

  2. Hi Steph just trying to get this to work!


Any comments are greatly appreciated!